About us

Colors FM Pvt. Ltd is a privately initiated people oriented organization of the different professional. Colors FM private Limited is comprised of numbers of engineers/technicians having a true taste for communication and it s all round development. All the board members are in a way to the other related to Journalism, communication and their commitment to dedication for its development is almost Unique. The group blends with "ALL THERE AND SEEN WELL “people.

We also, feel happy to inform that Colors FM is one of the New Emerging but leading FM station in the Janakpur dham broadcasting many popular & heart-touch program focusing all age groups ranging from women, children & Mostly youth, industrialists, Entrepreneurs, professionals, farmers, labors, senior citizens and more .There are no generation gap in terms of programming at Colors FM.
Our skilled and well trained presenters are always ready for any sort of indoor and outdoor broadcast, live coverage of special events and activities, on the spot reporting and field based research works within and beyond our coverage areas are Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rauthat, Siraha, Sindhuli Ramechhap, Okhaldhunga, Solukhumbu, Udaypuar, katari & Other Area in Nepal and all areas of North Bihar of India like Jaynagar, Madhubani, Saharghat, Benipatti, Pupri, Sitamadhi, Darbhanga, Shioher, & other Area in India. To be precise Colors Fm is station with fun & excitement, multiannual blend & obviously an infotainment. The FM can be tuned at 102.4MHz. Colors FM has been doing its best in broadcasting the quality services .which has been proven by our statistical analysis that the regular tuners of the Fm are about 1 million people through FM and Online. That’s why we have become successful to Coverage the transmission Of 500 watt (since starting)
We would also like to incline your attention towards the time. We have understood and felt the public demand .Its a golden chance for us to take time by the forelock. For this, we are with you for the effective promotion of your products. Very curiously we are in the think of highlighting your different products in a great mass of people for the far and wide knowledge. In this competitive world, a man cannot be a successful businessman until he/she taxes their brain for the struggle of wits to win the heart of their customer.